In an Unprecedented Move in the Brazilian Capital Market, Vitru Educação Migrates from Nasdaq to B3

The iconic bell-ringing marks a new phase for Vitru, strengthening its presence in the Brazilian capital market
The iconic bell-ringing marks a new phase for Vitru, strengthening its presence in the Brazilian capital market

Company debuted on the Brazilian stock exchange on the 10th

In an unprecedented move, Vitru Limited (VTRU), the controlling entity of the Uniasselvi and UniCesumar brands, has completed its operation of migrating its listing from Nasdaq to B3, the Brazilian stock exchange.

This step, besides being pioneering in the Brazilian capital market, marks a new phase for the company, which is a leader in the distance education segment in Brazil. From now on, Vitru is accessible to a larger range of national institutional investors and individual Brazilian investors.

Among the benefits of being listed in Brazil are the potential increase in the liquidity of the stock and the alignment of investor acquisition with its peers in the segment. Another advantage is the improved synergy with the market, given that activities are developed in Brazil. This way, communication with local investors is facilitated, as well as the adaptation to corporate governance in this market.

"Having the shares listed on B3 opens opportunities for Vitru to attract a greater number of individual investors and Brazilian investment funds that, legally or practically, were prevented from trading shares on the foreign exchange. These factors can result in increased liquidity of the shares," highlights William Matos, CEO of Vitru.

With the listing, Vitru Educação, the largest distance education company in Brazil, is now among the leading companies in the sector listed on B3.

"We have increased opportunities for Brazilian investors who know the brands and the business to associate with a company with great growth prospects," explains William.

Even with the migration, Vitru Educação continues with its strategic plans developed since the Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 2020, which focuses on expanding the portfolio of courses and increasing the current hubs.

Currently, Vitru Educação has 2,464 hubs in more than 1,400 cities, covering all states and the Federal District. There are more than 939 thousand students enrolled, of which 916.6 thousand are in Digital Education. The number of hubs is one of the main factors that allow the company to expand its student base. Additionally, it has over ten thousand employees.

The company offers more than 850 courses, including undergraduate, postgraduate, technical, and professional courses. Both Unicesumar and Uniasselvi have a Distance Education Institutional Concept (CI-EaD) score of 5.

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